Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nekomata (Catty) alternate costumes! \o/

Edit (2 Oct 2012): As GungHo prohibits the use of images from the official site, most of the images here have been taken down. Time to look for new ones~

The Nekomata, or Cattys as they are known in idECO, are sometimes considered to be as much a mascot of ECO as the 6 (now 8) race representatives. In this light it's no wonder that GungHo would continue to go the extra mile and keep them attractive, at least in terms of appearance, to us players. Since late April 2010, ECO has been releasing alternate costumes on a monthly basis for our beloved cat spirits through the lotteries (thus further ensuring their sales and showing the Koreans how to do business without screwing with the game settings.... ehem). This post is dedicated to showing off those costumes (and make fans die of massive loss of nasal blood, fuhuhuhu).

I'll keep this updated whenever a new costume is released =3. The images thus are arranged in the order that they are released.

For 2010:

Anzu (Sailor-fuku crossplay, ECOくじ「新生活」)

Kuro-hime (Knight costume, ECOくじ「盤上の騎士団」)

Kurumi & Wakana (Summer swimwear, ECOくじ「ハネムーンバカンス」)

Ai~♥ (Hagoromo, ECOくじ「サマーナイトカーニバル」)

Momo! ver.1 (Kitty Dress, ECOくじ「ハローキティといっしょ!」)

Momo! ver.2 (Special promotion item)

Midori (Country Dress, ECOくじ「やすらぎカントリーライフ」)

Shiro-nee (Top Model, ECOくじ「あこがれアートコレクション」)

Yamabuki (Japanese-style clothes, ECOくじ「和風はろうぃん」)

Akane (Halloween Dress, ECOくじ「洋風ハロウィン」)

Sora (Phantom Thief, ECOくじ「怪盗★ハード&ワイルド」)

Sumire~♥ (Winter Dress, ECOくじ「粉雪のプレゼント」)

For 2011:

Kuro-sama (Shrine Maiden, ECOくじ「あけまし兎年」)

Kurumi & Wakana (Maid Dress, ECOくじ「ハンドメイド・バレンタイン」)

Akane (China Dress, ECOくじ「アジアンファンタジア」)

Ai~ (Black Sailor fuku, ECOくじ「風雲!アクロニア学園」)

Anzu (Elven Jacket, ECOくじ「フェアリーテイル」)

Shiro-nee~ (Wedding Dress, ECOくじ「プレシャスウェディング」)

Sora (Wavy One-piece, ECOくじ「夢見るアクアマリン」)

Ensign Midori (Combat Uniform, ECOくじ「エレクトロメモリーズ」)

Sumire (Work Kimono One-piece, ECOくじ「古の大和神話」)

All Cats: Nekomata + Automata (Pumpkin Mantle, ECOくじ「ホーリーハロウィン」)

Yamabuki (Boyish Suit, ECOくじ「森の中の童話」)

Momo (Maid Dress. Again. ECOくじ「クラシカルサーバント」)

To be continued in 2012.... =3



  2. I really like that Top Model Shiro >3<

  3. Aiiii *rolling on the floor with unyu face* >3<

  4. I have this feeling the whole affair started as a joke on Anzu (on the running gag on his girlishly good looks =3)...

    Then, when GH saw how popular it turned out to be, something echoed from the depths of Hell... "KA-CHING $‿‿$!!!"
