Saturday, July 9, 2011

AD, The Brave Enchantress o/

Hi there! I have written the introduction, but that one is for the blog, so this one will be introducing myself! :D

People in the Ring know me as AD, I usually go by this name around the internet, but with some addition~

OK, so I first played ECO Indo around November 2010. One of my friends was an active player and (I stalked her there /shot) I kinda wanted to try too! ECO's my first MMO, you see, so I was thrilled~ After short while I found out that my friends from A Reyvateil's Melody forum are playing too, but they're in Sakura server (I was in Hikari)! Since I was a n00b at everything and didn't have friends there, I switched to Sakura o/ AND NO, I DIDN'T MOVE SINCE I WANNA STALK MY BOYFRIEND, LAZY-KUN! I SWEAR I DID NOT


Ahem~ So, at first I was playing the healer role, my first character is Millasto. This is her.

So beautiful hauhau~ She's casting Holy Feather btw, I love that skill's effect, both visual and the status effect xD And of course she didn't start like this! :V This was her at level... 80-ish. She's now level 90, and currently in her Bard job. I don't play as her anymore lately. Ragequit because leveling by myself was a total pain, and people have their own healers for their grinding purpose. Thus, I am now playing as Enchantress, from the class of highest damage dealer in this game~

Meet Klaethe~! She's an Enchantress on her level 96. This is my favorite appearance of her~ The mistress of Fire and Earth element (and Wrath). Let's see... I created her not long ago. Opposite of Milla, she leveled up very fast. Well, it is common for people to level up their characters with this class's help :O A sad thing, yeah. But even I was planning to level Milla with Klae's help. That plan was canceled of course~

Let's talk about me in game now! Well, the most thing I do in-game is... doing quest I guess. Once per three days I always do East Gate quest, which is my main way to make money @_@ I never think of myself as hardcore grinder, but when I have a special target, I guess I can be a hermit somewhere killing bunch of monsters till I forget time "orz

I'm not into fashions (which seems to be the main focus of interest of this game @_@) but I do love err... expensive useful things. Like how I'm now investing for +2k HP armor set! And currently waiting for Pabus Dark from Lazy-kun.... ' 3'

Mhm that's all about in-game business. As a person, I am a girl, an average university student majoring in Visual Communication Design. I am also the admin of this blog (who obviously need to learn more).

Guess that's it! Hope I can manage everything well!

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