Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nekomata Daikazoku~


At long last, I have won the hearts of all 12 Nekomata sisters, and established my harem that shall be the envy of the world. Nyahahahahahaha.... /shot

... Ehem, so as the title explains, I have finally retrieved all the Nekomata sisters from their stories and tasks and allow them to once again be united under one roof. The journey was fun, often sad, sometimes lolwat funny (and whenever Doga-chan's involved, he made the universe explode, disintegrate and re-create itself in awe of his sheer MANLINESS >=3).

(After you read this, dear reader, please go out there and do the same too! For Peace, Love and the Carnival!!! And for the words-can-do-his-manliness-no-justice Doga-chan too! >=3)

Soon I'll assign them each to a character of mine, and once again the Nekomata sisters will, for some time, leave the comfort of my roof and go on their seperate ways with their new partners.

But for now... They are together at last =3


  1. Sorry, Esta. Doga's name is enough to bring me nightmare. I really really really don't want to remember that moment -shudders-... BUT CURSES UBEL BLATT FOR MAKING SIMILAR CHARACTER TO THAT!! (Although I admit, it's funny).

  2. You should do the Shiro and Kuro quests then, if you haven't. His utter manliness might just break your mind =3

  3. .... I already done it. Yes, his power is ZOMGST strong. THAT WAS WAY TOO HAX. Killing boss in just several blows.... Tho, I wish we domis can fly just like he could... Our wings just flaps around when we walk...

  4. Huh? What's that? Kai wants to be like Doga-chan? You envy Doga-chan's body?

    I see...

    *destroyed compeletely*

    Good work, Esta. It took a while but now you have an impressive set of catties huh >3<

  5. ....... -Goes to the background and peel potetoes for croquettes- -w-
