Monday, October 15, 2012

A Fresh Start

Hi guys! Been so long since I last wrote here... orz

Following Trass and Esta's steps, I went to ECOjp Zinnia as well! It was hard to look at my lovely girls after the idECO server closing was announced, so I didn't do any kind of farewell party, or SS taking or video with them or anything...

Anyway, I think it's time to put them into a rest too. Poor girls experienced a lot of hardships, adventure, and fun together. They got a lot of fashion collection and their own styles, and have lived their tales well in idECO. They will never be same anymore if I were to recreate them in ECOjp, Klae is not herself without Fernia, Milla will not be able to move on without her husband.

And so, Odalune, my first girl in ECOjp, was born.

 Reunion with Revelation crews, so good to see you guys again T_T

So today I just went back for quite long hiatus due to internet line went out of order, since the event won't last long anymore, I went to complete it with Lazy-kun's help. /o/

 Odalune, wearing the Halloween dress set, next to Lazy-kun's Melon Pan :3

 I want more fashions....

And after that he took me for some GB at LT, went from lv26 to lv35, yay~ Gotta get the Shaman armor set later!

The inevitable deaths