Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Real Northern Kingdom?

Hi everyone, once again it's me.
I'm starting to feel bad to be spamming the blog with my posts, but no one else is posting anyway so- /shot

The 10 Daily Tiny Stamps.

Today marks my 10th day of playing in ECOJP, so I can redeem my first daily tiny stamp (I decided to go for 10 stamps). There was a few categories to choose from, like the Functional items which can give you DDs or DEs. After a bit of contemplation, I went for the costume sets. There were choices of some sets to choose from, and with ilu-chan's help, I picked the Rider Set, since this set has blue.

But then I got the helmet.

Well, totally not going to use this one since I have my Pepen.

But anyway, that wasn't the point of this post. The main topic here is North Kingdom.

I wanted to try and see the real North Kingdom with my own eyes this time (since I couldn't do it back when I played in Anemone).

Before I start, let me tell you a bit about the Northern Kingdom. The place we all know and go to, is known as Northern Promenade. It is said to be only an intermediary place for the people of the north to communicate with the outside world (do trading, business, paperworks, etc). North Kingdom is very advanced in their magic technology and they want to keep this to themselves. The people living in North Promenade are only Guards/Soldiers and merchants. The citizens are said to be living far underground. (When you see the Queen's Hologram in the Audience Room, you can look below to see roofs and the likes, indicating that there are buildings far below). No outsider is allowed to step their foot inside the real town.

At last that's what we understood from earlier sagas.

After Saga16, we can actually go to the Residential Area. Not sure what happened since I don't understand Japanese, but we can go down now.

 Through this door.

So I entered.

I knew there was a dungeon but I was expecting some beautiful magic town. And we might be able to access the new dungeon from this new town.

 My expression.

It was as beautiful as I imagined it to be. I can't help but scream at the sight out of awe. However it was far from what one would call a town. It would be Ruins, rather than a town. I can't understand the story, but from what I see, this is the remnants of what used to be Northern Kingdom in the past. 

It's the dungeon. The town is the new dungeon.

There were some cool buildings in the area, and you can enter some of them, like this one.

It doesn't look like a door...

 Transparent Ghost Oji.
Transparent Ghost Meido. 
Living Northern Guard. And Beds.

You can buy/sell items, rest to heal HP/MP/SP, and even save here. This place is really sad. I wonder what happened to this place. It'd be nice if someone can read the story and explain it to us sometime later.

Anyway, I continued the exploration and tried to fight the mobs here. They give around 11k~30k ish. There might be more since I haven't explored everything. They were fairly easy for my summon and me to handle. And it isn't that crowded either. Kinda like the amount of mobs in Abyss or East Dungeon DD.

 As usual, Skeleton Archer can solo everything.

Ah, I was also a little scared when I saw the big version of this guy:

But I beat him just fine /shot 

 Wow, Juicy Meat. Too bad it's really heavy unrefined.

It was fine for a while until I entered this cave. The monsters here look more fearsome. They're green to me so I decided to try them anyway.

 Do want to be killed by that Succubus.

  I killed the Ice Hand, and it dropped this right away:

Shaved Ice. Complete with syrup.

But a few seconds after that, this appeared:


Who the hell lured the boss right at the entrance!? orz

I managed to run away and exited the cave, but if I don't get past him, I won't be able to continue exploring, I thought. But once I looked at the map apparently I can take the other way around.

I'm going for the eastern entrance this time.It's going to be quite long, but it should be better than taking on that boss by myself.

 Once again, admiring how beautiful this map is.

Around the eastern wing of this map, the amount of mobs start to get more crowded. The mobs are tougher too. There was this one crystal which casted Lava Lake. There are more aggressive mobs too. I could handle them one by one but I'm not so sure about mobbing. Well, after seeing a building to hide to, I ran immediately to take shelter, but this casper-in-a-shoe monster used this annoying skill which pulled me back next to it. My summon died from the mobs and I couldn't run. In the end I died and had to end my exploration there.


Next time, I hope I won't have to go here by myself and we can go together ;w;

There are also a lot more things to explore in this server, and it wouldn't be fun to do all this alone.

- Trass


  1. A dungeon city.. not what I expected from the real northern kingdom, but.. I guess that's okay since it's so beautiful. with a ton of cool momons as bonus. +_+

    1. I wonder what happened to the city.. hope some saga main story translation covers this >_<
