Thursday, July 12, 2012

Deathlene the Assassin, At Your Service

I have been around for quite long, but I haven't even introduced myself yet, have I? My IGN is Deathlene, but my ringmates call me with my handle name,  Frawn. The reason I played ECO was because a certain Pepen kept bugging me about it, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've never played any MMO before this one, so I was excited to have some people I know to play it with. This is how Deathlene looks like in-game :

Deathlene on her way to 110 at Abyss, accompanied by Kuromatsu the Black Cat spirit.

IGN : Deathlene
Nickname(s) : Frawn, Death, Desuchan, Desu-nee, Lene
Self Epithet(s) : Guilty Blade, Soul Reaver
Race : Dominion
Gender : Female
Hair : Matt Black - Dominion Shaggy Cut
Weapon of Choice : Dark Blade - Carnwenhan, Hell King Claw - Orthros, Battle Flag Rod - Fáfnir
Favorite Skills : Deadly Attack, Wild Dance, Continuous Thrust, Mirror Image
Favorite Pastime : Training pets, pretending to be AFK while chatting, taking pantyshots
Favorite Hangout Place : South Bridge, eastern side
Favorite Grinding Place : Whale RockAbyss, Northern Dimension Dungeon
Quote : "Nothing can escape death, not even the lifeless ones nor the death itself."
Build Details :
STR 97+20
DEX 53 +18
INT 5 +11
VIT 81 +10
AGI 84+25
MAG 8 +1

Her name was taken from one of Ar tonelico II summon magic, First-Class Shinigami Deathko-chan which was renamed into Deadly Deathlene in US version. I chose scout class because it fits well with my actual coward (and also "transparent") personality. Being an Assassin allows me to go anywhere without being noticed, run away easily when cornered and even exploring maps full of aggresive monsters unharmed. However, because of how weak scout class compared to other jobs, I could hardly play any role in high level group grind because of being overshadowed by other stronger hitters. Even so, I'm proud being an Assassin and strive to become stronger so I can get my own spotlight.

I started playing at middle of January 2011, although it wasn't very good start. I registered at wrong server! Everyone's playing at Sakura server, while I registered at the other one, Hikari. After realizing that, I registered at Sakura server almost immediately and joined my friends' ring, Revelations. I started the game like most noobs do : smashing Pururus. Not before long, someone got impatient and dragged me around for some powerlevel. I was a noob, so what I could do was just follow what my seniors told me. In the end, the result wasn't very good. Because of my lack of in-game knowledge, I changed to expert job too early. After realizing my mistake, I deleted my character and remade it as I quitted from Revelations, though I still keep contact with the other members. My third attempt was better then the previous ones. I got plenty in-game experience as I explored Acronia continent without getting dragged around.

One day, a kind Blademaster saw me having trouble dealing with Wild Boars at Momo Plains, and then offered me for some powerlevel. For making up of what I lost in previous character, I agreed to it. I was powerleveled at Enigma Group Fortress until around lv25, then I excused myself before I got spoiled from his kindness. From that time, I've been grinding mostly by myself, sometimes forming party with other players. I later rejoined Revelations at my late level 70, quitted again due some reason and then joined again (what's wrong with me, really).

After all those grinding madness, I've finally reached maximum level at June 4th 2012. It's all thanks to everyone who helped me through it with mental support and direct support in my grinding.

I finally leveled up to 110 from doing Red Pearl quest.

Right after that, I continued my long forgotten lv110 weapon quest to get my first weapon, Hell King Claw Orthros. I considered to get claw first instead of dagger since I need my dark elemental Carnwenhan for occassional solo to make money from powerlevel service and farming. And finally, after spending too much for gambling Rahab Box just to get more yellow heretic orbs, here's the lv110 Claw I was talking about :

Testing the almighty Ultimate Dragon Eye Release.

Orthros is a two-headed dog of greek myhology, which is direct sibling to three-headed dog Cerberus. Orthros comes as a pair of gauntlets, with three big and sharp jagged blades attached onto each gauntlet. They look very threatening as if they could tear armor plates into shreds as easy as ripping paper. They give 112 Thrust Attack, 20 S.Hit, 35% Critical rate, 3 STR and 3 AGI. Orthros has the lowest attack bonus compared to other lv110 weapons, but very powerful on its own with triple claw maxed, turning an Assassin into ruthless killing machine. With this, powerlevel at Abyss is far easier, as long I have all possessions and supports I need. Not sure if I can be more useful in high level bossing due to hit penalty, but I can still save up to buy IRIS with giant killing ability to make up for that.

Now that I have nothing else to do after reaching maximum level, all I can do is help the others reach higher level before getting lv110 Dagger : Sacred Guardian Blade - Jibril and then reborn as High Dominion. Well, that's if idECO can manage to reach saga 11 and if I'll still be around by then, though...

That's all nonsense I could write about. See you in (maybe) another post ( '-')/

1 comment:

  1. Ohohohoo nice post, Frawn /o/

    Yeah, even after reaching max level, there's still a lot to do, good luck 83
