Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New Event! ロウゲツの思い出 (20 Nov 2014 ~ 25 Dec 2014)

Strange that the Christmas events would end on Christmas itself ^^;;;

The Rougetsu quest is frankly speaking very easy. There's a lot of running around to do, but even these are restricted solely to Tiny Island =3

Step #1: Speak to Rougetsu at the usual fountain. Choose option #2 to continue:

Step #2: Go to Tiny Island and speak to Sally (サリー):

Step #3: Here's where the running commences. You'll need to gather the eleven Memory Fragments of Rougetsu (ロウゲツの思い出の欠片) scattered around the island. After speaking to Sally, she will locate where four of them are and you are to gather them in a specific order. These Memory Fragments are Rougetsu clones each representing the feelings of the previous Shugoma. So the specific order mentioned is simply the appearance order of the Shugoma, from Mutsuki to Shimotsuki. When you click on a Memory Fragment, he'll give you a hint as to which Shugoma he represents and then offer you three options:

#1: Gather this Fragment. Note that he won't disappear until you've have collected every Fragment available at that point of time. 
#2: Reset. This is for you to start all over again if you've screwed the order.
#3: Do nothing.

After you've collected available Fragments, speak to Sally again and she'll find you the next set of Fragments. So there will be three rounds in total, four Fragments for the first two and three for the last.


1. Speak to Sally;
2. Gather Fragments;
3. Rinse and repeat until all of them are in.

The location of the Fragments are as shown in the map below:

Round 1: #1 ~ #4
Round 2: #5 ~ #8
Round 3: #9 ~ #11

Remember to speak to Sally after getting #11.

Step #4: Return to the real Rougetsu to conclude this event. You'll get a Memory Star (Event) (思い出星(イベント)) and the choice of either a Snow-covered Tree (雪化粧の木) or an Ice Tatami (氷畳):

#1: Not now (delay decision for later)
#2: Snow-covered Tree + Memory Star (Event)
#3: Ice Tatami + Memory Star (Event)

In case you don't know, the Memory Star can be exchanged for services or items at the Anniversary Fairy. One Star can give us either a free Quest Count, one-time Skill Reset or one-time Stats Reset (in that order).

Tatami (left) & Tree (right)

After the event, you can exchange 2 EX Event Tickets for a Mysterious Egg (フシギなたまご) of your choice (furniture, 16 different designs to choose from). Alternatively you can exchange 20 EX Event Tickets for all 16 Eggs. Click on this link to see what the Eggs look like.


  1. I haven't seen any diary post for so long, are you the only one still playing esta? :<

  2. I wouldn't be spending time on all these event guides if that's the case =3

    Come back and join us! =D

  3. I rarely check blog except for event guides o3o; I don't even know what to post

    And yeah come back to us, Reika o/
