⇐ Tutorial 1 Part 3: 職業選択の自由
Tutorial 1 Part 5: 師弟とは?⇒
To change your Job, the procedure is actually very simple:
1. Talk to the guildmaster.
2. Take and complete the Job Change quest.
3. Report back to the guildmaster.
4. Strip! (no equipment allowed, not even pets)
5. Voila! You're now part of the club.
6. Re-equip yourself and talk to the guildmaster for a small gift.
... To this day, I still don't know why you must butt-naked to complete the Job Change. It's so... indecent and such ripe material for the fantasies of perverted ladies and gentlemen.
Anyway, this post will cover the Job Change quests for the Fighters: Swordsman, Fencer, Scout and Archer.
Note: For prospective Swordsmen, Fencers and Scouts, you must have 10 STR in order to qualify for Job Change. For Archers-to-be, the requirement is 10 INT instead.
To make things simpler, I have stripped my characters before reporting, so that I can complete the Job Change in one smooth flow after the report. Whether you want to do the same or not is up to you =3.
Note: Remember to report back to Joker Bro after you're done changing your Job. In fact, the system will remind you again when you're leaving the Guild Palace after your Job Change before teleporting you to DT. After your report, Joker Bro will gift you with a Base Experience Enhancer 50 (Beginner) (経験値ふえ~る 50 (ビギナー)) and a Tiny's Secret Storage Technique (Beginner) (タイニー秘伝収納術(ビギナー)).