Thursday, July 28, 2011

Intro Week!

After this week's maintenance, we got Special Intro Lottery in Item Mall! Each lottery box are 82 coins (same as SP) and here are the intros we can get :3

Someone reported they got the secret Summer Break Intro, which is suspected to be this one :

And because I was dying due to curiosity, I finally downloaded MRB viewer and...

Uuuu ideal appearance of my Klae ♥ 

Ah, I decided to buy one right after I updated the game, using the coins I was supposed to spend on BoPs, and I got Songstress Intro o3o I don't have plan to use it on any of my girls, so most likely I'll just keep it for now /o/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reached lv97

But I didn't take SS when I leveled up NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Ah well. It's two more levels to new book and armor! I get 2% per hour now, so that will be... 2 more DEs needed to get to lv98. And I'm guessing I'll need 3 DEs to get from lv98 to lv99.

Go, me >:O

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Class illustrations by 羽々キロ and 雀葵蘭

Do you know? The current class illustrations for 1st and 2nd Jobs are not as we see today on all official websites, and that the former set of class illustrations, done by 羽々キロ-san, is in fact way superior no matter how you look at them. It is imho enough to make you wonder what the hell the developers were smoking to have made the unacceptable decision of replacing them for something worse.

It is imho a pity that newer players may not have the chance to experience 羽々キロ-san's fine work in ECO after his/her departure from the ECO team, and this post is made to show off the aforementioned former class illustrations for the 1st and 2nd Jobs, as well as those for the Chronicle Jobs done by 雀葵蘭-san.

Note that 羽々キロ-san did not draw almost both genders together in almost all her Job illustrations (unlike the current versions), and that only 1 gender per class was used for the official websites, e.g. Male Swordsman, Female Wizard, Female Farmer, etc (same goes for 雀葵蘭-san's Chronicle Job illustrations). The Gambler is the only class that showed both genders together in official art. Another would be the Breeder, which is not shown here. However, for some cases the art for the other gender was released as well, and I have tried to show as many of those here as well. If a class has two or more images shown, the first one (left-most image) is the "official" image.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Journey to Lv.110

Was gonna title this post "The Korean Way to 110", but that would be racist @_@

So anyway, mine and Lazy-kun's DE ended just now. I hit the 79.3% from 33.0%. Still level 96, yeah "orz And four BoPs spent on this phase. o3o

Us two will be taking break from grinding now and will continue again after CW this week o/


(It started to rain in my place as I typed this)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guardian Spirits - The moe personifications of 2011

Edit 23/07/2011: Made a mistake with the Guardian Spirits' quest. You don't need to have any of the GS with you at all for them.

Edit 2/10/2012: As GungHo forbids the use of images taken from the official website, most of the images here have been removed. Time to look for new ones~

Following the Nekomata family, 2011 sees the introduction of a new series of familiar pets, the Guardian Spirits (Japanese: 守護魔 Shugoma). Released once per month through the lotteries, these lovely new additions are named after the traditional names of the months in the Japanese lunar calendar (all notes on their names found in this post are all copy-pastaed from this link and other wikipedia entries).

Like the Nekomata, they have their own quests in the game, but unlike the Nekomata quests from which we get our beloved cat spirits, you are rewarded instead with a item related to the Spirit(s) involved. Another difference from the Nekomata quests is that the GS quests are (in Japan) available for only 1 month each, after which the current one will be taken down and be replaced by the next one. In addition to the quest rewards, depending on which Spirit, with 2~3 EX Tickets (obtained also from the lotteries), the player can exchange for another special item.

Like their feline counterparts, the Spirits have a number of skills up their sleeves to aid their master in battle, though many of the Spirits have skillsets for directly engaging the enemy. Unlike the Nekomata though, they don't provide extra carrying weight and capacity.

Now, without further ado, let's welcome them with a round of applause...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Take My BL4ckH4nD, We're Off to Never Never Land

As promised before, I will introduce myself after some posts. So permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.

Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran known as Reika in this very ring, however known as BL4ckH4nD, or Black, by the rest of the vast web community, for this visage has been a valorous veneer I have donned to cast vicariously as both hero and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate in most games I played.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Rei. *bows

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rolled into the Arena

After waking up in a tent without knowing how I rolled in there, I decided to follow the trail of Himeyo, the lovely princess that doesn't try to eat me. I found her healing people in the Arena. It was fun to see the strong people beating each other up, but after Hime left, lots of people died.

So, I brought my beautiful wife Ningyou-chan to help them out. While we were able to revive several people, unfortunately I had no idea what any of them were saying. Just for being in the arena, the two of us were PKed, as expected. Most people left us alone, but there were two people who were bent on killing everyone in reach.

Funnily enough, they were a necromancer (dark magicz!) and an assassin (it's his job!).

Titania Dragon ep.2

So, on last Saturday after CW, using the key we got from last Partisan fight, our ring went to fight Titagon for the second time! o/

The goal of this fight is to unlock Titania World and Dominion World for our alts and to kill boredom (and EXP "orz) ' 3'

These screenshots were taken during the preparation for the fight.

Our friend Xiaooo, from the Ring Girls Dead Monster (another ring which speaks English in idECO, our Ring Revelations and them are in good term! :3 Probably since we speak English, and share some members as well. You know, I'm thinking we should do a collaboration event next time!), was having a self-cest romance drama @_@

 And the fight, uuu. I think we had more people than originally planned. But it went smoothly, which is good. I still can't forget how I died twice though... ;_;

And the fight marks the end of our series of Maimai Invasion events! It started with Arsenal, completing the four Gate quests, Partisan, and Titagon fight! It's another wonderful achievement gotten with great teamwork!
Now let us all grind to level 99, next event should be a visit to a certain ganteng dragon! o/

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nekomata (Catty) alternate costumes! \o/

Edit (2 Oct 2012): As GungHo prohibits the use of images from the official site, most of the images here have been taken down. Time to look for new ones~

The Nekomata, or Cattys as they are known in idECO, are sometimes considered to be as much a mascot of ECO as the 6 (now 8) race representatives. In this light it's no wonder that GungHo would continue to go the extra mile and keep them attractive, at least in terms of appearance, to us players. Since late April 2010, ECO has been releasing alternate costumes on a monthly basis for our beloved cat spirits through the lotteries (thus further ensuring their sales and showing the Koreans how to do business without screwing with the game settings.... ehem). This post is dedicated to showing off those costumes (and make fans die of massive loss of nasal blood, fuhuhuhu).

I'll keep this updated whenever a new costume is released =3. The images thus are arranged in the order that they are released.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Partisan Event!

Gonna make the summary of the events short but understandable *shot*

We went to Maimai for a reason(the reason is on the title). But before the event, we went to North Gate first because someone has to do the North Gate first. After that we went to Party-chan for our wanted item(s).

We went through floors to floors, with many difficulties, like DCing people, dying people, and yeah. Then, at last but not least, we met Party-chan and prepared to play(?) with it. Soon after that, we played with it, and it dropped a Sky Tower Key which is what we wanted to get(and I looted the key *headshotburied*). We wanted to take SS but before we could the dungeon was in process to break, so well, no SS at the end(for me).

Friday, July 15, 2011

Late Introduction

The title said it, but just gonna make this short and understandable. People call me "Hime" or "veil", mostly "Hime" because that's my name in ECO. I'm known as a Druid, and that's that.

Well that's it, short and understandable right? =w=

Potatoes don't need a sense of direction

If at any time you bring a potato with you, and suddenly it's no longer with you, it's not because it ran away. No, it's because the potato forgot where it was supposed to go and suddenly got lost. As soon as you notice a lost potato, it would be good to remind it of where it's supposed to go. Otherwise, the potato will continue rolling in the wrong direction until finally it is mashed and eaten by hungry aggro.

Do not expect a potato to know where it should go. Potatoes do not have accurate sense of direction.

And on that note, do not take directions from a potato. You will more than likely end up in the maw of a Mama Balulu.

Thus, if you are ever going to go on a long soulsearching journey, the ideal companion should not be your faithful potato. It is probable that you will lose your potato near the start of the journey.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Went down to the Island of the Undead to collect some protec... I mean, to gather some Crest Papers for the lvl 25 tome. The residents were very generous =3:

In 3 hours, I got myself 11 stamps (2 Living Dead, 6 Skeleton and 3 Mummy), 2 Poisonous Lizard Tails and 9 TC5s. And of course the 200 Crest papers that I need. It was a good 3 hours spent, if a bit boring =3.

The Call of Cthulhu Estavali

Hello, everyone~ If you're looking for the most perverted, mean-spirited and long-winded narcissist in Revelations, here I am! I usually befoul the internet as Estavali and you're free to call me Esta if you like =3.

A little on myself. I enjoy Tolkien, Stephen King, mysticism and practical occult (if there's such a thing), functional swords (as in those that you can actually bring to a fight and put to good, bloody use, never mind that folks nowadays spam guns like "lololololol"), manga (FMA and the works of Togashi Yoshihiro and Moriyama Daisuke are among my favorites), anime (though I pursue this interest with less vigor nowadays), light novels (kinda addicted, I'm afraid >_>), RPGs with that sweet mixture of good plot, storytelling and gameplay (the Sora no Kiseki series and the older Square titles come to mind), Kajiuran music, mythology and folklore, etc, etc... and many more to come as I grow even older, hohoho. I chose Fenrisulfr as my user name here for a number of reasons, one of which is that, like the wolf himself, I have a big appetite =3

My first experience with Emil Chronicle Online was during the Japanese open beta, back when I was still a regular player of RO and was introduced to ECO through the RagnaInfo forums. Unfortunately, closed beta literally closed its doors on me and the other players who were unable to make the switch, though the short period I spent there was enough to lead me to hope that ECO will one day find it way to the rest of the world like RO. This wish came true in 2009 when RunUp (alas!) opened its marginally English (and barely administrated) server. I made the switch to idECO that November, after just a few months in RunUpECO, prompted by the promise by other players who had made the switch before me that WaveGame does a much better job than RunUp (and indeed it does =3). Looking back, it was a wise move, as RunUpECO quickly wrapped up after only 1 year after it was released and the promise that they would open a Chinese server in its place was as empty as their souls.

And so here I am now. I've been playing idECO for a year and more, but being lazier than Lazy, only 2 of my characters have made it past lvl 80 and the next one in line is 10+ levels behind them ^^;;;. You may have noticed that I have not made any mention to my characters yet, whom I regard not so much as my in-game avatars but more of my children =3 (though I guess as a father I'm severely lacking in parental responsibility ^^;;;). As I plan to try out all 14 classes (the 12 + Novice + DEM) currently available in ECO (sooner or later), I would like to introduce them in future posts, in triads and complete with roleplay details XD.

I'll stop here. As warned, I'm long-winded, and no doubt you, my hapless reader, is on the verge of smashing your head on the wall in hopes that it'll put an end to my droning. Fear not! I release you now, and may we meet ingame in peace and with manly love! >=3

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Got Squid~

This Burning Squid Sword is from Lottery 15, the latest IM Lottery~ It's the only thing I wanted from this lottery o/

Rei opened eleven lottery boxes again and got two of this, so I bought this one :3 Looks tasty right?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

AD, The Brave Enchantress o/

Hi there! I have written the introduction, but that one is for the blog, so this one will be introducing myself! :D

People in the Ring know me as AD, I usually go by this name around the internet, but with some addition~

OK, so I first played ECO Indo around November 2010. One of my friends was an active player and (I stalked her there /shot) I kinda wanted to try too! ECO's my first MMO, you see, so I was thrilled~ After short while I found out that my friends from A Reyvateil's Melody forum are playing too, but they're in Sakura server (I was in Hikari)! Since I was a n00b at everything and didn't have friends there, I switched to Sakura o/ AND NO, I DIDN'T MOVE SINCE I WANNA STALK MY BOYFRIEND, LAZY-KUN! I SWEAR I DID NOT


Ahem~ So, at first I was playing the healer role, my first character is Millasto. This is her.

So beautiful hauhau~ She's casting Holy Feather btw, I love that skill's effect, both visual and the status effect xD And of course she didn't start like this! :V This was her at level... 80-ish. She's now level 90, and currently in her Bard job. I don't play as her anymore lately. Ragequit because leveling by myself was a total pain, and people have their own healers for their grinding purpose. Thus, I am now playing as Enchantress, from the class of highest damage dealer in this game~

Meet Klaethe~! She's an Enchantress on her level 96. This is my favorite appearance of her~ The mistress of Fire and Earth element (and Wrath). Let's see... I created her not long ago. Opposite of Milla, she leveled up very fast. Well, it is common for people to level up their characters with this class's help :O A sad thing, yeah. But even I was planning to level Milla with Klae's help. That plan was canceled of course~

Let's talk about me in game now! Well, the most thing I do in-game is... doing quest I guess. Once per three days I always do East Gate quest, which is my main way to make money @_@ I never think of myself as hardcore grinder, but when I have a special target, I guess I can be a hermit somewhere killing bunch of monsters till I forget time "orz

I'm not into fashions (which seems to be the main focus of interest of this game @_@) but I do love err... expensive useful things. Like how I'm now investing for +2k HP armor set! And currently waiting for Pabus Dark from Lazy-kun.... ' 3'

Mhm that's all about in-game business. As a person, I am a girl, an average university student majoring in Visual Communication Design. I am also the admin of this blog (who obviously need to learn more).

Guess that's it! Hope I can manage everything well!


As one of the contributors, I have come and sieze the second post! >:3

Will properly contribute after a couple of posts, so to anyone that has been mailed, go write something. :p

Thursday, July 7, 2011


This blog will be where I and friends rambling about the game we play together, Emil Chronicle Online, Indonesian server. :D

We are from the Ring Revelations, and various members of it came from other countries, so that is why we use English for daily conversation and writing this small blog.

Mainly this blog will be some sort of diary of ours, in which we talk about our adventurous experience in-game. o/